Community. Consultancy. Tutoring. Training

Supporting equitable education for all.

Welcome to SEND Support Hub LTD, your destination for comprehensive advocacy and support services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We are fiercely passionate about levelling the playing field in education, ensuring that every child has equal opportunities to learn, grow, and flourish in an environment that nurtures their individual strengths and potential.

We specialise in personalised advocacy support for children, parents and families. Additionally, we offer expert tutoring services to enhance your child's reading and communication skills, delivered by experienced educators. Our support also extends to schools and businesses, helping them improve inclusion and curriculum for fair and equitable access for all children and young people.

Communication support and literacy services

At SEND Support Hub LTD, we focus on early reading and communication tutoring using multi-sensory techniques like objects, photos, and symbols. Our approach caters to diverse learning styles, ensuring active participation and success for every child. Additionally, we provide specialised phonics tutoring for confident literacy skills as well as tailor made support packages to support a wide range of needs.

  • Early communication skills support

  • Phonics tutoring

  • Tailored support packages

Advocacy and application support

At SEND Support Hub, we offer dedicated advocacy for children with SEND, ensuring parents' voices are heard and the best outcomes secured. We navigate complexities, from assessments to EHCPs and school placements, championing children's rights every step of the way. Families trust us to prioritise and advocate effectively for their children's needs in the educational landscape.

  • Education Health and Care Needs Assessment support

  • Advocacy Support

  • Diagnosis Support

Training and development

At SEND Support Hub, we specialise in fostering inclusion in schools and businesses. We provide comprehensive support to school staff and offer tailored assistance to businesses for inclusive environments. Through collaboration, we empower individuals with SEND to fulfil their potential in all aspects of life.

  • Teacher training

  • SENCO support

  • SEN Audit

  • Inclusion support for businesses

  • Tailor made support packages available

“Hannah's passion for supporting children with SEND is truly inspiring. Her unwavering determination and dedication to securing the necessary support for our child were nothing short of admirable.”


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
